Sunday, December 29, 2019
Becoming the Best Employee Ever Is Actually Pretty Simple
Becoming the Best Employee Ever Is Actually Pretty Simple Becoming the Best Employee Ever Is Actually Pretty Simple I dont have any employees, elendhave Ibeen an employee myself in years. However, I am a consultant. And as a consultant, I hear a lot.Not too long ago, in a seminar on human resources management, the discussion turned to what makes an employee valuable. The topic intrigued mebecause the managers in that room were from two generations baby boomers and Gen. X-ers. Thecomplaints of managers from both generations seemed to focusa lot on the way in which millennials approach work. The word that kept popping up welches entitlement According to many people,millennials seem to feel entitled to great benefits and flexible work hours, but they lack any dedication to their jobs and companies.I leftthat seminar with a goal in mind to survey all of the organizations with whom I have worked over the past several years and ask them to list the most important qualities of their best employees. I had hoped there would be common threads that united great employees across industries and organizations and, indeed, there were.Here are the topeight qualities that respondents to my survey listed as characteristics of their best employees. I hope that job seekers will have a look at this listandreflect on how these traitswill help them find success in their careers1. CharacterTo say someone has character can mean a lot of things, but here is how the managers with whom I spoke defined it First and foremost, characteris honesty.A number of the respondents added sub-traitslike trustworthiness and upstanding.Managers want employees who stick by their ethical principles and never discarding them for the sake of expediency.2. DependabilityDependability boils down to trust. Employers want to be able to trust their employees to fulfill theirresponsibilities without lots of hand-holding, coddling, orcontinual monitoring.One of the complaints Ive often heard isthat millennials seem to want to work on their own schedules, but they dont realizetheir schedulesimpact the schedules of their fellow team members.Employers wantemployees who understand thatdeadlines exist for a reason and that they haveresponsibilities to their colleagues.3. BroadSkill SetsThis was the only trait among the top eight that related to hard skills. Of course, employees who have the skills needed for a specific position are good candidates for that position. Employees who keep learning and broadening their skill sets are even more valuable.One respondent used a real estate analogy to explain the importance of employee skill setsWhen we buy a home, we do things over the years that will increase the value of that home. We make improvements. Managers want employees who work to increase their own value to an organization by adding to their skill sets and bringing mini-skills to the table as well.4. Self-DisciplineThis trait is of extreme value. When an employee can be given a long-term ta sk and has the ability to tackle it on their own and meet all the deadlines with no prodding, a manager has one less thing on to worry about.Managers want to see employees who can manage their time well and who will stick with something, no matter how tedious or how challenging it may be. They want people who, when facing a task, will not give in to distractions or find excuses.5. AttentivenessThis one was a bit of a surprise. I did not think that it would be among the top eight,but sure enough, it is.Employers like employees who are attentive listeners, especially during meetings and conversations. Many employees are so benton making themselves positions heard that they fail to listen. Miscommunication and misunderstandings are the result, and these are never good.6. InitiativeThis was high on everyones list and also a cause for complaint during the seminar. The employee who fulfills the responsibilities outlined in their job description brings value to an organization, but the em ployee who goes above and beyond to improve the organization overall is absolutely invaluable.These employees are continually engaged at work and are busier than most of their colleagues because they think outside the box.7. DedicationEmployees who are dedicated to their own success tend also to be dedicated to the success of the organization provided that they are not unethical in their pursuit of personal success, of course.8. DiligenceThis last trait relates to many others on this list, and that is why it is bringing up the rear. Diligence, according to respondents to my survey, means seeing things through and not giving up when things see insurmountable.Employees who exhibit diligence do not have thatsense of entitlementthatmany of the managers in the seminar complained about. Instead, these employees feel that they owe their diligence to the companies that their diligence is what earns themthe benefitsthey desire.Anumber of other traits popped up duringmy survey, but these to p eight encapsulate all the most important aspects of what it means to be a great employee. Think of this as a checklist the more value you can bring to an organization through these traits, themore career success you will see.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
A Military Robot Has Fallen and It Better Get Up
A Military Robot Has Fallen and It Better Get Up A Military Robot Has Fallen and It Better Get Up A Military Robot Has Fallen and It Better Get UpWhen a robot falls and cant get up again, it becomes pretty much useless. If a robot designed to help soldiers in the field finds itself in that situation, the dicke bretter bohren mssen can become dangerous. Soldiers often feel the need to help their robotic companions if something goes wrong, putting them at even greater risk in serious situations.Chad Kessens, a robotic manipulation research engineer for the Army Research Laboratory, working in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, has created software that can tell if a robot has the ability to right itself when it becomes immobilized due to a specific environmental or operational condition. Designers can then look at where the robots would fail and tweak them to so they can get back to work after a fall in almost any situation.Dr. Chad Kessens, a rob oticist with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, comes up with innovative ideas for future military robots. Image U.S. Army Research LaboratoryKessens began work on the project after he took a training course where soldiers were using robots to find IUDs.They dont typically have line-of-sight to the robot. Theyre reliant on information from the operational control unit. When a robot flips over, the camera is looking at the sky or the ground, he said, adding that whoever is controlling the robot has no way of knowing which arm or leg might help the robot up. These robots need to self-right on their own.For You The Moral Beauty of a Disobedient RobotTo determine if a robot could re-right in a specific scenario, Kessens looked beyond links and mass and the mechanics of robots to the world of the living, specifically the cockroach. If you have an organism that cant right itself, its probably not going to last very long, he said.Before looking at the cockroach, the analysis that Kessens u sed on a robot assumed its joints moved slowly. Roaches taught him otherwise. In many situations, a roach on its back needs to move its wings quickly to right itself. Slow movements wont do the job. If you have joints that can move quickly, that can move mass quickly, you can use dynamics and kinetic energy to get yourself to right in more situations, Kessens said.Through his research, Kessens knew the various tricks that designers have used to get robots to right themselves. These included egg shaped chassis that allowed robots to passively roll into the correct orientation, special righting mechanisms such as flaps, extending links, or otherwise altering existing elements of the robot. My goal was to take all these different methods, analyze a specific system to see if any of these methods would work and generalize that.Kessens had to overcome several hurdles while developing his software. One of the biggest shows just how important it is for engineers to learn in-demand skills an d new technologies. The biggest challenge for me was learning to code better, he said. Im a mechanical engineer.Another was analyzing every joint in a robot. You can think of a five-degree system as ten times harder than a four-degree system, said Kessens. A six-degree system is like 100 degrees harder.The analysis grew even more complex when Kessler took into account all of the different shapes that make up a robots design. This is where the collaboration with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), specifically Galen Mullins, a robotics engineer at the APL, paid off. Instead of looking at every possible configuration, as Kessens had been doing, Johns Hopkins researchers had techniques for sampling that space in an intelligent way and understanding what the space looked like using far fewer samples, Kessens said. Because of that we were able to handle higher degrees of freedom.The software that Kessens and his colleagues ultimately came up with has already proved its mettle. The U.S. Navy needed to know that a lightweight backpackable bomb-defusing robot slated to hit the field this year was capable of righting itself. We analyzed that platform and determined it was able to right itself 100 percent of the time, Kessens said.His analysis can be applied to large, human-sized robots down to those the size of tiny insects. But it assumes the robot can sense its configuration (the angle of its joints at any moment) as well as the direction of gravity.When the Army sets out to buy robots, theyll now have a tool for gauging their self-right-ability. And the companies selling the robots can meet those needs in the design phase. At the moment, when a weakness has been revealed for a certain situation, its up to the robot creator to find a way to fix it. In the future, the software may be able to suggest new designs as well. As a designer you have to say Oh, I see the robot can only right itself 90 percent, Kessens said. Then the software lets the de signer understand the 10 percent it cant right itself.Michael Abrams is an independent writer.Listen to ASME TechCast How Engineers Close Communication Gaps with Non-engineers For Further Discussion If you have joints that can move quickly, that can move mass quickly, you can use dynamics and kinetic energy to get yourself to right in more situations.Chad Kessens, the Army Research Laboratory
Friday, December 20, 2019
Inside the Hiring Managers Head at the Job Interview
Inside the Hiring Managers Head at the Job InterviewInside the Hiring Managers Head at the Job InterviewInside the Hiring Managers Head at the Job InterviewDo you tend to be nervoussometimes to the point of panic or paranoiawhen youre about to be bewerbungsinterviewed for a job? Do you wonder if youll emerge as the candidate of choice or if youll blow your chances because your nervousness might get the better of you?To help ease those nerves, its best to know what the hiring manager is looking for in a job interview. Here are three questions that typical hiring managers have in their minds that they want clear answers to by the time the interview is over.I know this person has the skills to do the job, but will she fit in with my team and our company culture? If you make it to the interview, chances are you presented your skills and experience so effectively on your resume that the hiring manager is quite sureyou can do the job. But in the interview, the hiring manager wants to gauge your personality and see how it fits in with the company and your would-be coworkers, as well as the hiring manager.How well does this guy know himself?Before you get to the interview, look at the chief requirements for the job and match them up with your specificskills and experience. Then, prepare to answer behavioral interview questions, which try to get at more of the how behind your skills and experience. Lets say you have this on your resume Convinced management to agree to a deal with XYZ Company to buy $1 million in computer hardware. Be ready to answer a question on how you accomplished that.Can I trust this person to get the job done without a lot of supervision? Managers have enough on their plates to worry about their direct reports, so they like to hire people they can trust to get the job done, and done right. Convince them of that in the interview and youve gone a long way toward easing the hiring managers pain.Focusing on what the hiring manager is looking for isthe best way to succeed in an interview. If you aim your job interview preparation at the hiring managers needs and how you can meet them, you can shine in the interview and improve your chances at landing the job offer.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Dont Miss The Most Popular Job Search Articles of 2014
Dont Miss The Most Popular Job Search Articles of 2014Dont Miss The Most Popular Job Search Articles of 2014The year 2014 experienced a surge in workers on the move, both from a job search perspective as well as from a hiring perspective. Simply Hired saw the number of open jobs climb for the last five months of the year, culminating in 4.1 millionopen positions in December. Similarly, visits to increased by 37 percent last year with a corresponding increase in job searches.Along with a greater desire to find a new job, ur job seekers were prolific readers, seeking out advice to make their job searches more effective. January traditionally is one of the most popular months to conduct a job search, so take a moment to refresh yourself on some tried and true advice before you jump in.Here is a list of our most popular job search articles from 2014.4 Ways to Spot Someone Who Will NEVER Help Your Job Search10 Things That Arent On Your Resume (But Should Be)Healthy Hunting Mind and Body Wellness during Job Search5 Things to Do While Youre UnemployedHow to Create an Irresistible ResumeThe 5 Fastest Shrinking JobsWhere Are the Entry Level Jobs?Recruiter Tips for Tackling the Robots Reading ResumesHow to Prepare for a Job Interview on Short NoticeThe Challenging Resume A Resume Makeover Case Study
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Film Resume
The Honest to Goodness Truth on Film Resume The New Angle On Film Resume Just Released The synopsis has become the fruchtwein significant part your submission package and, being such, it must be developed and sweated over and polished with precisely the same attention you devoted to the novel itself. If you prefer your resume to be noticed, the summary section is vital. Youve got to tell the whole story in your synopsis. Dont send the initial few chapters and after that begin the synopsis at chapter four. Dont forget, landing the interview is the very first step to receiving the position that you truly desire Try to remember, states Turi, you merely get one shot to produce a first impression. The incorrect one does not have any accomplishments to demonstrate. Be certain to mention anything noticeable, like a cover story. Film Crew Resume Objective Joining a Film Crew may be an exciting endeavor, but its also one that needs a deep comprehension of numerous essential elemen ts of film production. 1 surprising and appealing situation to put in your film resume would become your education. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. List your work title, dates, the name of the geschftliches miteinander and its place, and a contact name and number should you wish. Sure, do just a little name dropping if you believe it will provide help. Designing a resume should not start from scratch, you are able to take advantage of free resume templates which you can find online. All the templates may be customizable with your particular details. Typography is a significant point in regards to latest resume format for freshers. Your qualifications will just function as the baseline for the position, and several of the applicants are going to have the exact same or similar qualifications as you have. Applicants that are proficient in filmmaking software and office computer software programs will definitely have g reater odds of being hired. An objective is a brief statement that clarifies your goals about the form of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. In the majority of instances, a resume objective is simply a couple of sentences long. Locate a local career center, or check online to have a career assessment test and see ways to use the results to pinpoint the very best job match for you. fruchtwein employers arent expecting you to get extensive experience because an internship is normally the very first experience students have in their area. So your task is to highlight only your absolute best accomplishments associated with the job whilst showcasing these qualities. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. Nobody expects you to have a good deal of work yet. Fantastic luck and should you ever need help, dont hesitate to get in touch with usFolks appreciate the tough work PAs do and you could possibly be surprised to find an offer from a person who drops by the studio Finding a new job every year appears bad on a resume and will hurt your odds of being hired later on. Always begin with the recent work experience which youve got. My my previous work experience doesnt have anything to do with the entertainment market. Return to your list of skills and discover the skills you saw in the work ad. You will never know when you will figure out regarding the ideal position. It is possible to still have transferable experience from various other positions. Film Production Assistant Resume Sample As a film production assistant on the lookout for new employment, your resume is among the vital documents you need to pay critical attention to. See the included Internship resume for a complete example. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilized to secure new employment. They may be organized in different ways.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The New Angle On Sign up Genius Login Just Released
The New Angle On Sign up Genius Login Just Released A sign in sheet isnt something as easy as just keeping a record of names. You see only a little chunk at one time so that you dont get discouraged and can continue to keep a watch out for your progress via the breadcrumbs at the very top. To make certain that no utensils or food items or containers are lost, its an excellent concept to supply a sign-out sheet also. Actually, there are sign out sheets too. The consequence of the lacing system design usually means theyre probably appropriate for most foot types. A sign up form should serve the purpose it is made for and also seem beautiful. As a consequence, heel-hooks no longer became as much nemesis for me as theyve done in many shoes. Otherwise, you can click to improve your plan when youre logged into the website builder editor. Apple has just changed how genius bar appointments are created. To use the capabilities of Sign Up Genius for your activity, you want to experi ence an easy procedure to set up your event. Sign Up Genius is a powerful method to be sure all your guests are aware of what they are accountable for at your next event. Feel free to check over the included features for each strategy to discover the ideal fit for your site If it comes to planning out a list then you generally do not exactly understand what are the essential details you should remember. Ultimately the decision is yours. Both choices will provide you with multiple alternatives for that account type. If you pick a time-slot event, you can designate the quantity of time available for each time slot and permit the guests to decide what time to enter. Try to remember, failure is almost always a new chance to learn, which means failure is positive in the very long run. So as to create a prosperous genius hour in your classroom youre likely to need to modify the manner that youre currently spending your time. If you are prepared to learn something new, there isnt any greater time than right now. What Does Sign up Genius Login Mean? Its possible for you to access all of the practice tests and print out guides whenever you would like. There are also various forms of private medical insurance plans. If you go for a high-deductible healthcare plan, make sure to open a health savings account. Find out how to open an HSA. Sign up Genius Login On occasion an enormous form can be unbelievably discouraging. If you are experiencing difficulties with the site, or you require addition information regarding your plan, your plan will designate how exactly you are able to communicate. With the fundamental plan, youre limited to filling in the info in a form online, then waiting for an answer to be emailed to you. All you have to have is a suitable system of organization. When youre organizing an event, an individual should make sure its successful and among the best approaches to find it out is using the sign in documents. In the instance of any activity at the office, signup sheets could be handy to figure out the details about the participants. Information of a lengthy collection of volunteers which are participating is described in detail. It was not straightforward but I did complete the undertaking. What You Dont Know About Sign up Genius Login A sign up form is an important feature on any site or blog. Leave a comment below with a hyperlink to some forms youve built. The Avanti form is about that huge button. Due to the character of personal facebook inc profile pages it isnt feasible to bring a sign up form to those kinds of pages. These steps will describe how to bring the tab to your page. One of the greatest uses of the sign-up template is the fact that it will help to gauge the prevalence of the event with relevant info. Creating such sheets is really quite straightforward, since you dont have to insert too much of information. The template is made from the event name together with the date for the ent ry of information. A Secret Weapon for Sign up Genius Login The vote machine was not able to send emails. You can pick any nutzer ID. If you create the vote and dont vote, then place your email here to adhere to the results. 1 vote was invalidated. Gold members may use the chat option, whereas Platinum members have access to each one of the different techniques of communication. If you dont have a Google account already, it could be a fantastic concept to create one while registering for Pokemon Go since it could be helpful in the future. Payment is going to be charged to iTunes account as soon as the order is confirmed.
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