Sunday, December 29, 2019

Becoming the Best Employee Ever Is Actually Pretty Simple

Becoming the Best Employee Ever Is Actually Pretty Simple Becoming the Best Employee Ever Is Actually Pretty Simple I dont have any employees, elendhave Ibeen an employee myself in years. However, I am a consultant. And as a consultant, I hear a lot.Not too long ago, in a seminar on human resources management, the discussion turned to what makes an employee valuable. The topic intrigued mebecause the managers in that room were from two generations baby boomers and Gen. X-ers. Thecomplaints of managers from both generations seemed to focusa lot on the way in which millennials approach work. The word that kept popping up welches entitlement According to many people,millennials seem to feel entitled to great benefits and flexible work hours, but they lack any dedication to their jobs and companies.I leftthat seminar with a goal in mind to survey all of the organizations with whom I have worked over the past several years and ask them to list the most important qualities of their best employees. I had hoped there would be common threads that united great employees across industries and organizations and, indeed, there were.Here are the topeight qualities that respondents to my survey listed as characteristics of their best employees. I hope that job seekers will have a look at this listandreflect on how these traitswill help them find success in their careers1. CharacterTo say someone has character can mean a lot of things, but here is how the managers with whom I spoke defined it First and foremost, characteris honesty.A number of the respondents added sub-traitslike trustworthiness and upstanding.Managers want employees who stick by their ethical principles and never discarding them for the sake of expediency.2. DependabilityDependability boils down to trust. Employers want to be able to trust their employees to fulfill theirresponsibilities without lots of hand-holding, coddling, orcontinual monitoring.One of the complaints Ive often heard isthat millennials seem to want to work on their own schedules, but they dont realizetheir schedulesimpact the schedules of their fellow team members.Employers wantemployees who understand thatdeadlines exist for a reason and that they haveresponsibilities to their colleagues.3. BroadSkill SetsThis was the only trait among the top eight that related to hard skills. Of course, employees who have the skills needed for a specific position are good candidates for that position. Employees who keep learning and broadening their skill sets are even more valuable.One respondent used a real estate analogy to explain the importance of employee skill setsWhen we buy a home, we do things over the years that will increase the value of that home. We make improvements. Managers want employees who work to increase their own value to an organization by adding to their skill sets and bringing mini-skills to the table as well.4. Self-DisciplineThis trait is of extreme value. When an employee can be given a long-term ta sk and has the ability to tackle it on their own and meet all the deadlines with no prodding, a manager has one less thing on to worry about.Managers want to see employees who can manage their time well and who will stick with something, no matter how tedious or how challenging it may be. They want people who, when facing a task, will not give in to distractions or find excuses.5. AttentivenessThis one was a bit of a surprise. I did not think that it would be among the top eight,but sure enough, it is.Employers like employees who are attentive listeners, especially during meetings and conversations. Many employees are so benton making themselves positions heard that they fail to listen. Miscommunication and misunderstandings are the result, and these are never good.6. InitiativeThis was high on everyones list and also a cause for complaint during the seminar. The employee who fulfills the responsibilities outlined in their job description brings value to an organization, but the em ployee who goes above and beyond to improve the organization overall is absolutely invaluable.These employees are continually engaged at work and are busier than most of their colleagues because they think outside the box.7. DedicationEmployees who are dedicated to their own success tend also to be dedicated to the success of the organization provided that they are not unethical in their pursuit of personal success, of course.8. DiligenceThis last trait relates to many others on this list, and that is why it is bringing up the rear. Diligence, according to respondents to my survey, means seeing things through and not giving up when things see insurmountable.Employees who exhibit diligence do not have thatsense of entitlementthatmany of the managers in the seminar complained about. Instead, these employees feel that they owe their diligence to the companies that their diligence is what earns themthe benefitsthey desire.Anumber of other traits popped up duringmy survey, but these to p eight encapsulate all the most important aspects of what it means to be a great employee. Think of this as a checklist the more value you can bring to an organization through these traits, themore career success you will see.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Military Robot Has Fallen and It Better Get Up

A Military Robot Has Fallen and It Better Get Up A Military Robot Has Fallen and It Better Get Up A Military Robot Has Fallen and It Better Get UpWhen a robot falls and cant get up again, it becomes pretty much useless. If a robot designed to help soldiers in the field finds itself in that situation, the dicke bretter bohren mssen can become dangerous. Soldiers often feel the need to help their robotic companions if something goes wrong, putting them at even greater risk in serious situations.Chad Kessens, a robotic manipulation research engineer for the Army Research Laboratory, working in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, has created software that can tell if a robot has the ability to right itself when it becomes immobilized due to a specific environmental or operational condition. Designers can then look at where the robots would fail and tweak them to so they can get back to work after a fall in almost any situation.Dr. Chad Kessens, a rob oticist with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, comes up with innovative ideas for future military robots. Image U.S. Army Research LaboratoryKessens began work on the project after he took a training course where soldiers were using robots to find IUDs.They dont typically have line-of-sight to the robot. Theyre reliant on information from the operational control unit. When a robot flips over, the camera is looking at the sky or the ground, he said, adding that whoever is controlling the robot has no way of knowing which arm or leg might help the robot up. These robots need to self-right on their own.For You The Moral Beauty of a Disobedient RobotTo determine if a robot could re-right in a specific scenario, Kessens looked beyond links and mass and the mechanics of robots to the world of the living, specifically the cockroach. If you have an organism that cant right itself, its probably not going to last very long, he said.Before looking at the cockroach, the analysis that Kessens u sed on a robot assumed its joints moved slowly. Roaches taught him otherwise. In many situations, a roach on its back needs to move its wings quickly to right itself. Slow movements wont do the job. If you have joints that can move quickly, that can move mass quickly, you can use dynamics and kinetic energy to get yourself to right in more situations, Kessens said.Through his research, Kessens knew the various tricks that designers have used to get robots to right themselves. These included egg shaped chassis that allowed robots to passively roll into the correct orientation, special righting mechanisms such as flaps, extending links, or otherwise altering existing elements of the robot. My goal was to take all these different methods, analyze a specific system to see if any of these methods would work and generalize that.Kessens had to overcome several hurdles while developing his software. One of the biggest shows just how important it is for engineers to learn in-demand skills an d new technologies. The biggest challenge for me was learning to code better, he said. Im a mechanical engineer.Another was analyzing every joint in a robot. You can think of a five-degree system as ten times harder than a four-degree system, said Kessens. A six-degree system is like 100 degrees harder.The analysis grew even more complex when Kessler took into account all of the different shapes that make up a robots design. This is where the collaboration with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), specifically Galen Mullins, a robotics engineer at the APL, paid off. Instead of looking at every possible configuration, as Kessens had been doing, Johns Hopkins researchers had techniques for sampling that space in an intelligent way and understanding what the space looked like using far fewer samples, Kessens said. Because of that we were able to handle higher degrees of freedom.The software that Kessens and his colleagues ultimately came up with has already proved its mettle. The U.S. Navy needed to know that a lightweight backpackable bomb-defusing robot slated to hit the field this year was capable of righting itself. We analyzed that platform and determined it was able to right itself 100 percent of the time, Kessens said.His analysis can be applied to large, human-sized robots down to those the size of tiny insects. But it assumes the robot can sense its configuration (the angle of its joints at any moment) as well as the direction of gravity.When the Army sets out to buy robots, theyll now have a tool for gauging their self-right-ability. And the companies selling the robots can meet those needs in the design phase. At the moment, when a weakness has been revealed for a certain situation, its up to the robot creator to find a way to fix it. In the future, the software may be able to suggest new designs as well. As a designer you have to say Oh, I see the robot can only right itself 90 percent, Kessens said. Then the software lets the de signer understand the 10 percent it cant right itself.Michael Abrams is an independent writer.Listen to ASME TechCast How Engineers Close Communication Gaps with Non-engineers For Further Discussion If you have joints that can move quickly, that can move mass quickly, you can use dynamics and kinetic energy to get yourself to right in more situations.Chad Kessens, the Army Research Laboratory

Friday, December 20, 2019

Inside the Hiring Managers Head at the Job Interview

Inside the Hiring Managers Head at the Job InterviewInside the Hiring Managers Head at the Job InterviewInside the Hiring Managers Head at the Job InterviewDo you tend to be nervoussometimes to the point of panic or paranoiawhen youre about to be bewerbungsinterviewed for a job? Do you wonder if youll emerge as the candidate of choice or if youll blow your chances because your nervousness might get the better of you?To help ease those nerves, its best to know what the hiring manager is looking for in a job interview. Here are three questions that typical hiring managers have in their minds that they want clear answers to by the time the interview is over.I know this person has the skills to do the job, but will she fit in with my team and our company culture? If you make it to the interview, chances are you presented your skills and experience so effectively on your resume that the hiring manager is quite sureyou can do the job. But in the interview, the hiring manager wants to gauge your personality and see how it fits in with the company and your would-be coworkers, as well as the hiring manager.How well does this guy know himself?Before you get to the interview, look at the chief requirements for the job and match them up with your specificskills and experience. Then, prepare to answer behavioral interview questions, which try to get at more of the how behind your skills and experience. Lets say you have this on your resume Convinced management to agree to a deal with XYZ Company to buy $1 million in computer hardware. Be ready to answer a question on how you accomplished that.Can I trust this person to get the job done without a lot of supervision? Managers have enough on their plates to worry about their direct reports, so they like to hire people they can trust to get the job done, and done right. Convince them of that in the interview and youve gone a long way toward easing the hiring managers pain.Focusing on what the hiring manager is looking for isthe best way to succeed in an interview. If you aim your job interview preparation at the hiring managers needs and how you can meet them, you can shine in the interview and improve your chances at landing the job offer.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dont Miss The Most Popular Job Search Articles of 2014

Dont Miss The Most Popular Job Search Articles of 2014Dont Miss The Most Popular Job Search Articles of 2014The year 2014 experienced a surge in workers on the move, both from a job search perspective as well as from a hiring perspective. Simply Hired saw the number of open jobs climb for the last five months of the year, culminating in 4.1 millionopen positions in December. Similarly, visits to increased by 37 percent last year with a corresponding increase in job searches.Along with a greater desire to find a new job, ur job seekers were prolific readers, seeking out advice to make their job searches more effective. January traditionally is one of the most popular months to conduct a job search, so take a moment to refresh yourself on some tried and true advice before you jump in.Here is a list of our most popular job search articles from 2014.4 Ways to Spot Someone Who Will NEVER Help Your Job Search10 Things That Arent On Your Resume (But Should Be)Healthy Hunting Mind and Body Wellness during Job Search5 Things to Do While Youre UnemployedHow to Create an Irresistible ResumeThe 5 Fastest Shrinking JobsWhere Are the Entry Level Jobs?Recruiter Tips for Tackling the Robots Reading ResumesHow to Prepare for a Job Interview on Short NoticeThe Challenging Resume A Resume Makeover Case Study

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Film Resume

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Film Resume The New Angle On Film Resume Just Released The synopsis has become the fruchtwein significant part your submission package and, being such, it must be developed and sweated over and polished with precisely the same attention you devoted to the novel itself. If you prefer your resume to be noticed, the summary section is vital. Youve got to tell the whole story in your synopsis. Dont send the initial few chapters and after that begin the synopsis at chapter four. Dont forget, landing the interview is the very first step to receiving the position that you truly desire Try to remember, states Turi, you merely get one shot to produce a first impression. The incorrect one does not have any accomplishments to demonstrate. Be certain to mention anything noticeable, like a cover story. Film Crew Resume Objective Joining a Film Crew may be an exciting endeavor, but its also one that needs a deep comprehension of numerous essential elemen ts of film production. 1 surprising and appealing situation to put in your film resume would become your education. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a couple of minutes. List your work title, dates, the name of the geschftliches miteinander and its place, and a contact name and number should you wish. Sure, do just a little name dropping if you believe it will provide help. Designing a resume should not start from scratch, you are able to take advantage of free resume templates which you can find online. All the templates may be customizable with your particular details. Typography is a significant point in regards to latest resume format for freshers. Your qualifications will just function as the baseline for the position, and several of the applicants are going to have the exact same or similar qualifications as you have. Applicants that are proficient in filmmaking software and office computer software programs will definitely have g reater odds of being hired. An objective is a brief statement that clarifies your goals about the form of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. In the majority of instances, a resume objective is simply a couple of sentences long. Locate a local career center, or check online to have a career assessment test and see ways to use the results to pinpoint the very best job match for you. fruchtwein employers arent expecting you to get extensive experience because an internship is normally the very first experience students have in their area. So your task is to highlight only your absolute best accomplishments associated with the job whilst showcasing these qualities. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. Nobody expects you to have a good deal of work yet. Fantastic luck and should you ever need help, dont hesitate to get in touch with usFolks appreciate the tough work PAs do and you could possibly be surprised to find an offer from a person who drops by the studio Finding a new job every year appears bad on a resume and will hurt your odds of being hired later on. Always begin with the recent work experience which youve got. My my previous work experience doesnt have anything to do with the entertainment market. Return to your list of skills and discover the skills you saw in the work ad. You will never know when you will figure out regarding the ideal position. It is possible to still have transferable experience from various other positions. Film Production Assistant Resume Sample As a film production assistant on the lookout for new employment, your resume is among the vital documents you need to pay critical attention to. See the included Internship resume for a complete example. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilized to secure new employment. They may be organized in different ways.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The New Angle On Sign up Genius Login Just Released

The New Angle On Sign up Genius Login Just Released A sign in sheet isnt something as easy as just keeping a record of names. You see only a little chunk at one time so that you dont get discouraged and can continue to keep a watch out for your progress via the breadcrumbs at the very top. To make certain that no utensils or food items or containers are lost, its an excellent concept to supply a sign-out sheet also. Actually, there are sign out sheets too. The consequence of the lacing system design usually means theyre probably appropriate for most foot types. A sign up form should serve the purpose it is made for and also seem beautiful. As a consequence, heel-hooks no longer became as much nemesis for me as theyve done in many shoes. Otherwise, you can click to improve your plan when youre logged into the website builder editor. Apple has just changed how genius bar appointments are created. To use the capabilities of Sign Up Genius for your activity, you want to experi ence an easy procedure to set up your event. Sign Up Genius is a powerful method to be sure all your guests are aware of what they are accountable for at your next event. Feel free to check over the included features for each strategy to discover the ideal fit for your site If it comes to planning out a list then you generally do not exactly understand what are the essential details you should remember. Ultimately the decision is yours. Both choices will provide you with multiple alternatives for that account type. If you pick a time-slot event, you can designate the quantity of time available for each time slot and permit the guests to decide what time to enter. Try to remember, failure is almost always a new chance to learn, which means failure is positive in the very long run. So as to create a prosperous genius hour in your classroom youre likely to need to modify the manner that youre currently spending your time. If you are prepared to learn something new, there isnt any greater time than right now. What Does Sign up Genius Login Mean? Its possible for you to access all of the practice tests and print out guides whenever you would like. There are also various forms of private medical insurance plans. If you go for a high-deductible healthcare plan, make sure to open a health savings account. Find out how to open an HSA. Sign up Genius Login On occasion an enormous form can be unbelievably discouraging. If you are experiencing difficulties with the site, or you require addition information regarding your plan, your plan will designate how exactly you are able to communicate. With the fundamental plan, youre limited to filling in the info in a form online, then waiting for an answer to be emailed to you. All you have to have is a suitable system of organization. When youre organizing an event, an individual should make sure its successful and among the best approaches to find it out is using the sign in documents. In the instance of any activity at the office, signup sheets could be handy to figure out the details about the participants. Information of a lengthy collection of volunteers which are participating is described in detail. It was not straightforward but I did complete the undertaking. What You Dont Know About Sign up Genius Login A sign up form is an important feature on any site or blog. Leave a comment below with a hyperlink to some forms youve built. The Avanti form is about that huge button. Due to the character of personal facebook inc profile pages it isnt feasible to bring a sign up form to those kinds of pages. These steps will describe how to bring the tab to your page. One of the greatest uses of the sign-up template is the fact that it will help to gauge the prevalence of the event with relevant info. Creating such sheets is really quite straightforward, since you dont have to insert too much of information. The template is made from the event name together with the date for the ent ry of information. A Secret Weapon for Sign up Genius Login The vote machine was not able to send emails. You can pick any nutzer ID. If you create the vote and dont vote, then place your email here to adhere to the results. 1 vote was invalidated. Gold members may use the chat option, whereas Platinum members have access to each one of the different techniques of communication. If you dont have a Google account already, it could be a fantastic concept to create one while registering for Pokemon Go since it could be helpful in the future. Payment is going to be charged to iTunes account as soon as the order is confirmed.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

How to Attract and Retain Multi-Generational Talent - Spark Hire

How to Attract and Retain Multi-Generational Talent - Spark HireMore than a decade after the economic crisis of 2008, the global economy is booming. A historically low unemployment rate in the U.S. (around 3.7 percent in July) coupled with a strong economy means that its currently an employees market. Recent studies show that seven out of every ten employees are actively looking for a new job. Opportunities for an improved salary or prospects to climb the corporate ladder will obviously entice top employee talent to search for new job opportunities that will allow them to advance their careers. However, better workplace environments and healthier company cultures also lure employees away from their current jobs.High employee turnover is frustrating for any business. The cost of recruiting, hiring, and onboarding new employees is obviously expensive. One report found a business with 500 employees and an average annual salary of $65,000 that loses 90 employees per year to turnover will spend over $3,000,000 in employee turnover costs and lost productivity. Furthermore, losing your best employees to your competitors is certainly not a long-term strategy for staying competitive in the market. Companies that arent able to retain their best employees will also often be forced into hiring only younger generations of workers who are new to the job market.A multi-generational workplace is one that incorporates employees from up to five different generations Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (or Millennials), and the youngest workers from Generation Z. This schrift of workplace environment allows companies to benefit from the wide variety of talents and life experiences that create a workforce with differing but complementary sets of aptitudes and capabilities.What Different Generations of Workers Bring to the WorkplaceIn todays youth-centric culture, many businesses prioritize the tech-savvy, computer-oriented skills that are associated with youn ger generations of workers. The digitalization of the workplace certainly offers competitive advantages for companies across a wide range of industries. However, it would be foolish to deny that older generations bring a completely different set of skills and a work ethic that also contributes to healthy and productive company culture. Below, we briefly look at some of the complementary skills, values, and aptitudes that different generations of workers can offer a company.Traditionalists (19251946) While most workers from this generation are retired (or close to retirement), having an employee from the Traditionalist generation on your gruppe will show younger workers the values of practicality, loyalty, and hard work that characterizes these elder workers. Obviously, a Traditionalist will also have years of practical experience that can be invaluable to a company.Baby Boomers (19461964) This generation of workers are focused, competitive, and extremely goal-oriented. Having Baby B oomer workers on your team will help your team stay focused on the task at hand and dedicated to meeting certain work goals and ambitions.Generation X (19641981) Generation Xers are usually characterized as self-reliant and pragmatic. This group of workers will generally require less oversight and will be able to get jobs done in a timely manner without excessive input and time requirements from the managerial team.Millennials (19821995) Millennials came into adulthood at the beginning of the Internet age and will offer leading tech skills. Due to the drastic changes in the workplace that they have seen and experienced, this generation of workers is also extremely flexible and well-educated. While they inherited the ethic of hard work from their parents, they also are generally open to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.Generation Z (after 1995) This youngest generation of workers are extremely tech-savvy. They grew up in the Internet age and will be able to give your company the competitive advantage that comes with a tech-friendly workplace and workforce. Furthermore, these employees are generally entrepreneurial minded, meaning that they will be appreciative of opportunities to innovate within their job.Strategies to Attract and Retain a multi-generational Employee TalentObviously, each generation of workers brings different talents, but also requires different elements from a workplace. Below, we offer several different ideas, strategies, and policy approaches to attract, construct, and retain a highly productive, complementary, and multi-generational workforce.Flexible BenefitsOne thing employees from all generations prioritize when searching for a job is the type of benefits offered. However, it is important to understand that different generations will prioritize and require different benefit offerings. For example, Millennials and Gen Zers are probably straddled with debt from student loans. One study finds that student debt makes up close to 69 percent of the debt for the 25- to 30-year-old American. Generation Xers, on the other hand, probably have families and are more interested in life insurance policies while older generations of workers are looking at advanced healthcare and good retirement options. Offering customizable benefit plans is a great way to attract different generations of workers.Offer Training and Development to EmployeesAround 93 percent of employees claim that they would stick with a certain company if the company committed to investing in their careers. The digitalization of our economy certainly brings new opportunities for companies, but it also requires constant development of new skills and aptitudes. Instead of reinvesting in ever-younger generations of workers who were trained in the newest skills demanded by our tech-oriented economy, create training programs for your existing employees from all generations to retain multi-generational talent. Perhaps even more importantly, companies that offe r comprehensive and consistent training programs claim over 200 percent higher income per employee than companies that do not offer formalized training.Pairing Different Generations of EmployeesIt wouldnt make much sense to hire diverse generations of employees and then pigeonhole them into different corners of your company. One of the biggest advantages of a multi-generational workforce is that their skillsets can supplement and complement one another to increase productivity and create top-level deliverables. Pairing employees from different generations for team projects not only allows your company to benefit, but also allows employees to learn from one another.Hiring and managing a multi-generational workforce can certainly be a challenge, though there are inspiring examples of companies that have successfully incorporated workers from three or more generations. Amazon Logistics, to anthroponym just one example, routinely makes an effort to hire different aged people for their w arehouse management and logistics operations. The $15-an-hour pay is attractive to both people who are new to the workforce, and people nearing retirement looking for additional income through part-time work. Workers from younger generations offer energy and tech-savvy skills that help the operation running smoothly while older generations offer stability and a strong work ethic that can rub off on other employees. Reverse mentoring and mutual mentoring programs place younger and older workers together on the same shifts or projects to improve overall productivity.Flexibility in the WorkforceLastly, a flexible workplace environment is appreciated by workers from all different generations. Incorporating digitalized employee time and attendance software can allow companies to track the hours that their employees work, while also allowing for more flexible schedules and different worker habits. Employee attendance software can allow older generations of workers to request time off to b e more involved in the lives of their children, while younger, tech-savvy workers might even be able to work remotely from their homes.Flexible human resource policies and approaches can allow companies to attract and retain a highly talented, multi-generational workplace that will increase productivity levels and improve the culture of any company.About the AuthorPeter Bellotti specializes in Business Administration, Database Technology, Cloud and Big Data Solutions, currently working as Director of ausverkauf at Mitrefinch, a global provider of Employee Management Systems and HR Solutions in USA, Canada, UK and Australia

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The 7 productivity tips Elon Musk shared with his employees

The 7 productivity tips Elon Musk shared with his employeesThe 7 productivity tips Elon Musk shared with his employeesElon Musk gets a lot done.The 46-year-old entrepreneur and CEO is revolutionizing the spaceflight industry with SpaceX, transforming the world of the electric car at Tesla, and pushing neuroscience and transportation forward at Neuralink and the Boring Company.As SpaceX COO Gwynne Shotwell said at the 2018 TED Conference, Musks goals are a lot to keep up with.When Elon says something, you have to pause and leid blurt out Well, thats impossible, she said. You zip it, you think about it, and you find ways to get it done.Recently, Musk reportedly announced to Tesla employees that he wants to adopt a 24/7 shift schedule to get production for Teslas Model 3 electric car on track. In an email obtained by Jalopnik, Musk explained a number of changes in the works for Tesla.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest car eer news and advice wherever you go.Hes asking for quite a lot, so at the end of that email, he offered employees a list of his own productivity recommendations. From those tips, its clear that Musk is clearly not a fan of meetings, bureaucracy, hierarchy, or any system that impedes immediate communication. He prefers people apply common sense to the task at hand.He also told employees that if they had any ideas for making work at Tesla better and more efficient, they should let him know.Here are the seven productivity tips Musk offered in the letter, in his own words.Large-format meetings waste peoples timeExcessive meetings are the blight of big companies and almost always get worse over time. Please get rid of all large meetings, unless youre certain they are providing value to the whole audience, in which case keep them very short.Meetings should be infrequent unless a matter is urgentAlso get rid of frequent meetings, unless you are dealing with an extremely urgent matter. Meet ing frequency should drop rapidly once the urgent matter is resolved.If you dont need to be in a meeting, leaveWalk out of a meeting or drop off a call as soon as it is obvious you arent adding value. It is not rude to leave, it is rude to make someone stay and waste their time.Avoid confusing jargonDont use acronyms or nonsense words for objects, software, or processes at Tesla. In general, anything that requires an explanation inhibits communication. We dont want people to have to memorize a glossary just to function at Tesla.Dont let hierarchical structures make things less efficientCommunication should travel via the shortest path necessary to get the job done, not through the chain of command. Any manager who attempts to enforce chain of command communication will soon find themselves working elsewhere.If you need to get in touch with someone, do so directlyA major source of issues is poor communication between depts. The way to solve this is allow free flow of information betw een all levels. If, in order to get something done between depts, an individual contributor has to talk to their manager, who talks to a director, who talks to a VP, who talks to another VP, who talks to a director, who talks to a manager, who talks to someone doing the actual work, then super dumb things will happen. It must be ok for people to talk directly and just make the right thing happen.Dont waste time following silly rulesIn general, always pick common sense as your guide. If following a company rule is obviously ridiculous in a particular situation, such that it would make for a great Dilbert cartoon, then the rule should change.This articleoriginally appeared on BusinessInsider.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Trial By Ice

Trial By Ice Trial By Ice Chris Judge has been playing videogames since he welches three, so it is bedrngnis unusual to find him staring at a screen with an X-Box controller in his hand. And thanks to the hours he spent beating Tecmo Super Bowl and Super Mario Bros. He has developed a suite of related skills, from hand-eye coordination to the visuospatial ability to keep track of an avatars location in a three-dimensional maze.In the summer of 2014 Judge, an engineering assistant with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, welches holding a videogame controller aboard the German icebreaker RV Polarstern in the Arctic Ocean. The joint American-German research kollektiv he was part of selected him, because of his gaming prowess, to pilot a newly built sea robot on a unique mission. Nereid Under Ice was designed specifically for exploring the underside of Arctic sea ice, an area so far off-limits to scientists.As the two ton, bright orange vehicle lowered into the wa ter, two other important components followed a tow body and a depressor, which would quickly drag Nereid down. Once Nereid was under the keel of the ship, safe from dangerous ice floes or currents beating against the hull, the depressor and tow body were to decouple. The tow body would trail behind the robot as it swam away, unspooling as much as 20 km worth of hair-thin fiberoptic Gigabit Ethernet cable through which the robot would transmit video and other data. The depressor would remain under the ship, passing data to Polarsterns computers via a thick, heavy duty cable, impervious to natures forces.Through a webcam, Judge saw Nereid reach the water, and waited for the depressor and tow body to unlink, but the release command failed.Mechanical engineer Tom Lanagan works on the Nereid during its construction. Later, the robot is deployed off the back of the R/V Tioga. Image Tom Kleindinst, WHOIThat sort of error had never happened during Nereids rigorous testing, but the gruppe wa s prepared to deal with failures at sea. Clad in the puffed-up suit dubbed the Gumby to guard against the -20 C cold or an accidental fall into the water, engineer John Bailey was already heading to the rescue in a small boat, toolbox in hand. The latch linking the tow body and the depressor failed to unlock so Bailey had to pry it open by hand. (The team later discovered that two latch parts with different coefficients of thermal expansion had jammed together in the cold.)In spite of the sub-zero temperatures, Bailey tossed off his gloves, which were too thick to gently strike the screwdrivers butt with the hammer.I called it forcing with finesse, Bailey said. It moved a small bit every time, but it seemed like forever.After 20 minutes the latch relented, and Nereid whirred away free, to explore secrets under the ice.EXPLORING THE CEILINGClimate change may be global, but it is affecting the Arctic region mora intensely than anywhere else on Earth. Researchers want to study the chan ges occurring in the Arctic ice pack and the ecoordnungsprinzips beneath it to learn more about whats happening there nowand to improve predictions of what may happen there over the next few decades.The idea of going under the ice was long on the wish list, said Antje Boetius, a professor at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany, who led the efforts on Polarstern.Getting a good look at life under the ice was very hard to accomplish. Scientists have to approach the region via icebreakers, which disturb the habitat. To get a true picture, they had to get away from the ship.That meant robots, particularly advanced ones able to travel long distances while still transmitting back images and sounds. Standard ocean robots come in two types, neither of which are well-suited to the task. Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) rely on human control to accomplish their missions and so need a constant connection to their operators via cables. The lengths and weights of those cables limit the ROVs mobility, and in Arctic conditions, those cables can be broken easily by drifting ice floes, leaving the million-dollar equipment lost at sea.The other type of robot, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), have more intelligence than ROVs, but usually only enough for a few pre-programmed tasks like taking samples and photos, but not for weaving through protruding ice parts and hovering under icecaps.custompagebreakIn order for Nereid to successfully move and work under ice and glaciers, the team designed it as an ROV-AUV hybrid, able to switch between the two modes as necessary.Maneuvering and landing on the ice ceiling (like touching down on the seafloor, only upside down), would require human navigation. As Nereid sent real-time visual data to the computer screen through the lightweight fiber tether, the team would direct it to look into cracks and crevasses, photograph algae pools, or slowly ascend onto its landing skids to take water sa mples underneath ice. The thin fiber cable could still be its Achilles heel, but if it got snagged and broken, Nereid was programmed to turn on its AUV mode and return to the ship.Thats no simple task. Unlike the so-called blue-water vehicles that operate in the open ocean, Nereid couldnt just head straight to the surface.Under ice its not a great plan, said Michael Jakuba, who led Nereids design team. You would need to break the ice, which is difficult and may hurt the robot.To find its way back, Nereid not only had to remember the path it had taken, but also know where to turn or dive to avoid protruding ice pieces or other obstacles. And because ice floes drift continually, Nereids navigational software had to keep track of their movements, adding error corrections to its homeward path.To maximize the vehicles reliability in the event of the communication fiber breaking, the team implemented a variety of recovery features and levels of redundancy. If the fiber got cut, they could guide the robot from under the icecap by radio signals. If Nereid got stuck under ice, they would find it using an avalanche beacon.And if all else failed, the team had an emergency ice-breaking procedure devised. They would drill holes in the ice and deposit heavy weights on Nereids top, sinking it to the depths safe from the Polarsterns massive ice breakersand then float the robot back to the ship.Andy Bowen (right), director of National Deep Submergence Facility, briefs Rear Admiral Matthew L. Klunder and former Woods Hole director Susan Avery during a 2013 tour of the Nereid workshop.Image WHOINereid also has to withstand extreme Arctic temperatures, so its materials had to be tested even before it was assembled. Nereids upper shell, for instance, is made from blocks of orange-colored syntactic foam made from tiny hollow glass spheres coated with epoxy glue. Before fabricating the shell, lead technology engineer Casey Machado had to ensure that the foam could hold up to the Arc tic cold.I put a few foam samples in a -40 C freezer and then hit them with a hammer, she said. And I saw what got broken and what didntto get a sense of what materials worked together.(In retrospect, the latch problem Nereid had on its first dive probably should have been obvious too, Jakuba said, but it only manifested itself in extremely cold temperatures.)The engineering team rigorously tested other systems. To check such basic features as navigation and imaging, the team dunked Nereid into a big tank at WHOI facilities. To test the robots ability to track the ice floes movement above, they used a particular type of Styrofoam which Nereids instruments perceived as ice.The idea was to rotate the proxy ice over the robot, Jakuba said, so we pushed it around, and the vehicle measured its velocity.During the next round, Nereid went swimming in the ocean while doing some science under the WHOI docks. There were all sorts of little critters and algae and other things there, Machado sa ys. So we were able to see that the vehicle does what it was designed to do, and can land under something like that, and take a close look at it.Finally, shortly before the expedition, Nereid went through the integration testing in Troms, Norway, a city located above the Arctic Circle. Troms is known for its frigid temperatures, albeit still milder than the areas where the actual research took place. (The latch worked in Troms.) The team tested everything except diving under the mounds and valleys of frozen water. Any surprises at sea they would have to solve on the fly.The robot was now ready for trial by ice.custompagebreakREACHING THE UNREACHABLEIn the Polarsterns control room, Judge and Boetius traversed the under-ice world through Nereids eyes. Judge described the experience as video game-esque, including the first-person view.I had a map of where I was heading, just like in most games, and a record of where I was going and where Ive been, he said. And I drove the vehicle with an X-box 360 controller.It was surprising how much life existed beneath the ice, said Boetius, who directed the exploration, pointing where to move and what to see. Following Nereid and zooming in and out of images on the screen made Boetius feel as if she sat inside a huge aquarium, sneak-peeking at the underwater Arctic secrets.When ice breakers break the ice, it changes the habitat, she explainedit kills some organisms and messes up the environment of others. Nereid left the underside life undisturbed, letting the team observe the algae blooms and rare creatures.I saw gelatinous organisms you hardly ever see because ships would squish them with their propellers, Boetius said. These organisms are beautiful, they look like ballerinas in the water.At the end of the first exploratory sortie, Judge turned Nereid around to head back to the ship. The water currents had shifted the communication fiber into the vehicles path and the robot ran over it, cutting it and severing communication s with the ship. The team added extra software features to avoid this in the future, but it did provide a field test for Nereids homing ability. It worked perfectly. The robot returned without a hitch.On another flight, the team had to quickly haul Nereid out of the water to prevent a huge fast-moving ice floe from hitting its front camera, which, as Judge put it, costs more than my house.Some flights were smooth and successful. Judge recalls that after one five-hour exploration, the navigation system led him back exactly to the spot where the robot had launchedthe hole in the ice made by Polarsterns ice breakers.There was a great sense of achievement, he said.There was also a pervasive sense of exploring the great unknown. In one flight, Nereid traveled over the fairly unexplored Arctic Gakkel Ridge system and its hydrothermal ventsfissures in sea floor that shoot up hot waterallowing Boetius to survey life over these unique environs.Once Nereid is outfitted with a manipulator arm, which Machado expects to happen later this year, it will be capable of advanced sampling tasks such as breaking off pieces of ice, scooping sediment into vials, and capturing animal matter. Boetius hopes it can also bring back fluid samples from the hydrothermal vents to offer insights into their ecosystems which sometimes host unique bacteria and life forms.The ability to explore these previously unreachable places opens new frontiers for polar science that until now were only a dream.This robot was an eye opener, Boetius said. Just to see what happens in this ice-cold water when 400 C degree water shoots up would be amazing. MELina Zeldovich is a writer based in Woodside, N.Y. The ability to explore these previously unreachable places opens new frontiers for polar science that until now were only a dream.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to Create The Perfect Office Environment

How to Create The Perfect Office Environment How to Create The Perfect Office Environment Designing an inviting office layout doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Some business owners and managers just want to make functional spaces where people can work. They don’t always think about how design choices affect the way employees and visitors feel in the office . Before you choose a layout for your next office, think about how these five design options could make the space feel more inviting . How people feel has a noticeable effect on their performance, so you should take these aspects of your office’s layout seriously. No one wants to spend eight hours a day in an environment that relies on harsh, unnatural light. Instead of filling your office with annoying artificial light, use large windows and skylights so natural sunlight can fill work areas . Natural light does more than create a welcoming environment. It can also improve the health and productivity of employees. According to research conducted at Northwestern University , people who work in offices with natural light sleep better, get more exercise, and enjoy a better quality of life than those who work in offices filled with artificial light. When your employees have happier, healthier lives, they can get more accomplished at work. It’s difficult to trust the professionalism of a company that operates in an office that looks like it was designed in the 1970s. Following current design trends shows visitors, partners, and employees that your business keeps in touch with the latest concepts. Many companies prefer industrial designs that have become popular in offices, restaurants, and apartments. The industrial style emphasizes open spaces that make it easier for employees to collaborate. The industrial style also gives you more flexibility because you can design your office layout with metal instead of wood. The CEO of Signature Metal Works puts it correctly when he says that “the design world opens up a bit more when working with steel over wood. In general, metal is much stronger than wood and it can be utilized for safety/security while at the same time can be molded into a work of art.” Experienced metal fabricators like Signature Metal Works can mold steel into objects that serve decorative and practical purposes. For instance, steel stairs look beautiful and don’t require as much support as wooden stairs. By using metal, you get a clean aesthetic that makes your office inviting and useful. Some businesses build cubicle farms because they want employees to concentrate on work without getting distracted by other people and activities in their offices. Those companies get exactly what they ask for when they put workers in cubicles. Unfortunately, the cubicles make it difficult for people to work together and share information. Cubicle walls create barriers without giving employees privacy. If you have cubicles in your office, get rid of them as soon as possible. You can replace them with large tables that encourage employees to interact with each other . The social atmosphere will also make employees feel more comfortable among their colleagues. If you can’t eliminate cubicles soon, then you should create a collaborative space in your office. Set aside a meeting room or other area where employees can work together to meet common goals. When you have the opportunity, expand the social concept to the rest of your office. People who live in urban areas often suffer from a condition called Nature Deficit Disorder. Without regular contact with the outdoors, employees can become depressed, which quickly leads to difficulty focusing on tasks. You can’t force your employees to spend time outdoors, but you can bring small pieces of nature into your office. Placing potted plants throughout work areas may help people feel more relaxed, happy, and focused. Plants that make your office feel more inviting can also improve indoor air quality. Companies that have healthy indoor air often see a boost in employee productivity. Since people get to work in a healthier environment, they also take fewer sick days. Some of the most effective plants for purifying air include: Encourage your employees to keep small potted plants on their desks. Also, place larger plants in your office’s reception area and work spaces to create a welcoming environment that makes people feel comfortable. Hanging artwork on your office walls can make the space feel more intimate and personal. Without art, you have blank walls that look boring. People who walk into an empty office may not immediately know why they feel uncomfortable. Once you decorate with beautiful paintings, drawings, and sculptures, though, they feel more at ease. Choosing the right art for your company can get tricky. You don’t want to choose anything that some employees may find offensive; so avoid pieces with overtly sexual, political, or religious content. Then again, you don’t want to buy a piece of artwork that doesn’t say anything. If you do, your office will end looking like a boring hotel room. You might as well leave the wall blank. Talk to galleries, artists, and art experts in your area to find artwork that fits your corporation’s personality. Once you have a few options, talk to your staff members to get feedback. They spend 40 or more hours per week in the office, so they deserve a say in what art you choose. Plus, having a conversation will give people a chance to explain why they like or dislike each option. Companies have plenty of options when choosing how to design and decorate their offices. Making the right choices could mean that you get to work with a happier, healthier, more productive group of people who enjoy coming to the office. If you make the wrong choices, then you could have the opposite experience. You don’t have to become an interior design expert to design an inviting office layout. As long as you follow these five tips, you should find that you can create a pleasant environment where people like spending time. Matthew Thompson is a freelance writer in Louisville, KY. He enjoys writing about technology, politics, and dogs. Dogs should really be at the front of that list. Follow him @mallenthompson.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Top 7 Resume Grammar Mistakes - And How To Avoid Them

Top 7 Resume Grammar Mistakes - And How To Avoid Them Top 7 Resume Grammar Mistakes - And How To Avoid Them One of the benefits of a healthy social media presence is that there is never a lack of friends willing to correct even the most minor of grammar mistakes.  Sure, we know the difference between there and their and your and you’re, but there’s only so much you can do when auto correct and those tiny little on-screen keyboards seem intent on tripping you up. When it comes to your professional resume, however, there’s no excuse for poor grammar.  In a competitive job market, too many grammatical mistakes can mean the difference between scoring an interview and seeing your resume end up in the circular filing bin known as the trashcan.  While word processing programs have certainly come a long way, nothing beats good ole knowledge.  With that in mind, here are the top 7 grammar mistakes we see in resumes, and tips on how to avoid them. 1) Improper Tense Harkening back to the days when your high school English teacher would splash red ink across your meticulously prepared research paper, the use of improper tense is more than just a literary faux pas on a resume.  Tense conveys a sense of time.  When describing duties performed in your prior positions, misuse of tense will stick out like a sore thumb and potentially cause confusion about what you did where. The Fix:  Pick a tense to use on your resume (typically past) and stick with it throughout.  Even when speaking about your current position, be sure to use the past tense for consistency and to help avoid the urge to change things up.  â€œPerformed tasks” should be used over “performs tasks” and similar phrasing. 2) Date Format Consistency We mentioned your resume is all about dates and times already, right?  Well, this is another area where making a mistake is going to make your resume seem less than professional.  All date formats included in your job history should be consistent in their formatting.  The actual format doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s easy to read and understand, so pick a format and stick with it.  Common examples include: March 2016 to March 2017 3/2016â€"3/2017 Mar. 2016 to Mar. 2017 March 2016â€"17 March 2016â€"2017 What to do: Picking and sticking with one format is easier than ever in modern word processing programs.  Simply select your default date format from the appropriate menu and let the autoformat feature do the rest.   3) Capitalization Capitalization is perhaps the bane of many forms of writing so it’s no wonder this problem child makes an appearance as a common resume formatting error.  Remember those proper nouns, first words and places all need capitalization.  In addition, headings should receive the same type of capitalization as book titles, with each active word getting the upper case treatment. Helpful Tip: Remember that company and organization names will all need capitalization, regardless of their location in a sentence.  Your auto-correct feature will be helpful here, but special diligence is still needed to ensure perfection. 4) Justification and Returns This common area could also fall under the category of formatting.  Inconsistent justification and returns, or tabs and margins for the youngins amongst our readers, is easily seen before a reviewer even begins to process the content of a resume.  Mistakes in this area can also be damaging as breaking up job experience or extra indentation may prove confusing for those used to following information based on the proper layout. How to correct: Instead of opting for fancy formatting, keep things simple.  Begin all paragraphs or descriptions at your left margin.  Be consistent with heading placement and use the rulers and guides available in most word processing programs to help things out. 5) Punctuation Mistakes Another common stumbling block, regardless of your level of resume-writing knowledge.  Punctuation is the mind’s equivalent of breaths, pauses, and inflection.  Using this improperly can turn a great resume into one that appears childish.  Commas, hyphens, and colons will be plentiful in your resume. The fix: There are a host of grammar editors available that also help out in the punctuation department, but this one will, unfortunately, be mostly a manual task.  Ensure consistency and placement and watch out for that Oxford comma.  Use of the device is hotly debated, but whichever your preference, stick with it for consistencies sake. 6) Misspellings Perhaps the most embarrassing grammar mistake on our list of items to watch for, spelling can lead to a unique brand of resume mistakes.  Misspelled words come off as unprofessional and make the writer appear less than educated in the basics of writing which is an essential skill, regardless of industry or experience level.   Handy hints: Automatic spell checkers are pretty useful tools for catching spelling “eros”, but they aren’t infallible.  As our example shows, correctly spelled words won’t be caught up in the suggested corrections, even if they happen to be the completely wrong choice for the scenario.used incorrectly.  While spell checkers are definitely a first line of defense, don’t discount the value of an old fashioned proofreading. 7) State Abbreviations Maybe one of the more overlooked grammatical errors, misusing state abbreviations can leave you appearing a bit uneducated in the geography department.  You got that fancy degree in Maine, right?  So that’s MA, or maybe MN, MI, or possibly ME?  Given that best practices are to include abbreviations any time you list a location, it’s important to get this one right to pass on accurate information to the potential employer.   What’s the Fix: State abbreviations are easy to look up.  If you aren’t absolutely certain, a quick internet search is your best friend. Have any other grammatical tips or pet peeves to share with resume writers?  Be sure to leave us a comment!

Monday, November 18, 2019

Finding Career Independence

Finding Career Independence Finding Career Independence One of the the most common causes of career dissatisfaction is the lack of control. It can take many forms: not doing the kind of work you enjoy, working for a boss you dont like, being underpaid, etc. No matter what your lack of control looks like, it can breed a feeling of helplessness that takes a toll on your emotional state both in the office and outside of it. Finding career independence starts with identifying what is within your radius of control. What can you do today that will help you gain more freedom tomorrow? First, I recommend keeping your resume up to date at all times. That way, youll always be prepared if a new opportunity comes into view. For similar reasons, you want to keep your LinkedIn profile current and maintain active connections with your colleagues. If youre not using your favored skills at work, look for others ways to keep them sharp. Consider taking on small consulting projects or volunteering at a nonprofit. You may even want to take a class or two to keep  your certifications current. If youd like to acquire some new skills to take your career in a different direction, look into classes at local colleges and online. Again, youll want to find opportunities to practice these new skills outside the office. Nurture your network. Attend events, get lunch with coworkers from previous jobs, and stay connected. If youre beginning to feel dissatisfied in a career that used to be fulfilling, its time to reevaluate your priorities. The source of your unhappiness is likely a change in whats important to you. For example, early in your career, you may have been willing to work for hours on end  to make the most money possible. Now that youre older, work/life balance may be more important to you, yet youre still stuck working 60+ hours a week. Unlike Independence Day fireworks, career freedom rarely happens all at once. Instead, gaining career independence requires a long-term commitment.  But if you put in a little work every day, you will soon be able to take your career entirely into your own hands. A version of this article originally appeared on  Copeland Coaching. Angela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm,  Copeland Coaching.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Employer Provided Tuition Assistance for Employees

Employer Provided Tuition Assistance for Employees Employer Provided Tuition Assistance for Employees Tuition assistance, or tuition reimbursement as it is also known, is an employer-provided employee benefit. This process is a win-win for your workplace and for you. In a tuition-assistance program, an employer pays all or part of an employees cost to attend college or university classes. Building Employee Retention A solid employee retention tool, tuition assistance helps employers build employee loyalty and longevity. It is also a recruiting tool that benefits employers with high-potential employees who are focused on growth and learning.  Tuition assistance is a benefit that many potential employees seek. Tuition assistance enables employees to continue the expansion of their knowledge and skills while working. Employee continuing development is definitely a plus for the employer, too. The employer benefits from any learning that an employee pursues, even if it is indirectly through such factors as retention and commitment. What Subjects Are Covered? Tuition assistance comes in several different formats depending on the employer. Some employers will cover the cost of any class an employee takes even if the class is completely off-topic for the employees job. Other employers cover only the cost of classes relevant to the employees current or next position. In the first instance, the employer takes the position that any class that keeps the employee learning and developing is equally advantageous for the employer. These employers also appreciate the retention benefits of allowing employees to choose their own courses of learning. In the second, the employer is focused on the value of the course curriculum to the employees specific job. Whichever route employers choose to take, an approach less controlling to further employee empowerment and commitment often best-serves all. How Tuition Assistance Works Many employers who offer a tuition assistance program pay the full cost of the employees tuition, lab fees, and books. Others pay a portion of the employees educational expenses. When a class is required by an employer, the employer usually pays the complete cost and often includes mileage reimbursement. When tuition assistance is available, the most common method for administering the program requires employees to pay for their own tuition and books when they register for classes. The employee is then reimbursed when he or she submits the receipts and evidence of earning a C or above grade upon completion of the course. Employees must frequently turn in copies of their transcript or grade report papers to receive tuition-reimbursement payment.  Tuition-assistance programs require employee submission of verification of a passing grade of C or better to ensure that the employee is spending the employers money wisely. In most cases, employers cap the amount of tuition assistance available for employees. Employers either set a limit in terms of dollars available per employee per year or they establish the number of classes they will pay for per year per employee through tuition assistance. Tuition Assistance Payback In some cases, where extensive funds are spent on tuition assistance, the employer requires that the employee sign an agreement to pay back the tuition assistance if he or she leaves the organization within a certain period of time. In these cases, the employer forgives a percentage of the tuition assistance for every year the employee stays with the organization following the utilization of the tuition assistance.   For example, companies have promised tuition assistance to cover the cost of a long-term, valued employees MBA. Since this can cost $100,000 or more, employers want to make certain that they experience a return on their investment. If the employee leaves within a stated period of time, the employee owes the employer all or a portion of their tuition assistance. This is generally a written contract that the employee is legally required to fulfill on separation from his tuition-funding employer. The number of years an employee must continue working for an employer  generally ranges from two to five years. Imposing heavier lengths of obligation can prove at least as detrimental to benefactor employers as to the employee. The impact not only for morale but also the bottom line, in attempting to retain obligated employees hanging on solely to fulfill a monetary commitment can resonate negatively for months or even years. The Bottom Line Tuition assistance is often negotiated in an employment contract.  In an effort to attract hard-to-find talent, this tuition assistance may be above and beyond what other employees receive in tuition assistance in the same organization. Tuition assistance makes sense for employers because empowered employees continue to grow and develop knowledge, and they bring both back to your organization. Employees who remain in the practice of learning actively seek opportunities and methods to learn from every environment.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Reasons for Self-Publishing

Reasons for Self-Publishing Reasons for Self-Publishing Self-publishing has become a widely accessible option for aspiring authors who havent had success at - or dont want to be bothered with - being acquired by a traditional book publishing company. Publishing your own book can be satisfying, depending on what your goals and expectations are. Here are some common reasons to become an indie author: Fame and Fortune If your goal in writing and publishing your book are fame and fortune, know that even most traditionally-published authors dont experience it. While there is the occasional blow-out bestseller success story, industry experts claim the average self-published book sells only 150-200 copies, and thats mostly to friends and family.But there are other, very valid reasons to self-publish. Keepsake Book or a Remembrance Self-publishing allows you to own a hardcover collection of your personal poetry; to commemorate a family event, or to give your siblings copies of your moms recipe collection. Print-on-demand self-publishing companies like allow you to print as many or as few copies of your books as youd like. You're an Expert in Your Subject Self-publishing is a great option if youre an expert with a platform - a blog with thousands of subscribers, a regular speaking engagement schedule, a radio show or other large following - and an audience who you know is very interested in your topic. For example,  Trisha Torrey self-published using Amazon.coms CreateSpace - Trisha knew her readers would be interested in the subject. A Book as a Fund-Raiser Self-published community books (like Junior League or church cookbooks) have long been used for fundraisers; collected remembrances of Hurricane Katrina were published in a book to benefit the victims. Self-publishing companies like Blurb have models for charitable publishing. You Are Well Versed in Particular Genre Many voracious readers of genre fiction are moving online and turning to ebooks, which is how bestselling paranormal romance author Amanda Hocking and erotic writer E. L. James (Fifty Shades of Grey) got their starts. If you know your genre and audience well and know how to reach your reader (because youre scouring the same places), then self-publishing an ebook might be the way to go. Some companies (like Barnes Nobles NOOK Press) offer a distribution component, which could help build your audience of readers. Can't Find a Publisher There might indeed be a waiting audience for your book. If your aspirations are literary, it behooves you to take a step back and consider any constructive feedback youve been given (family or friend raves dont count). For a fee, find a freelance editorial service that will give you objective feedback. Honor the Book Publishing Process While the self-publishing process can appear to be simple and even - from some DIY services - free of charge if you care about quality, then the process of putting a book out into the world is typically neither easy nor free. Traditional book publishers set a high bar to entry and have gatekeepers like literary agents and acquisitions editors because they know the publishing process is labor- and resource-intensive. Self-publishing is no less of an investment - and it will be entirely your investment with a lot of self-publishing challenges that you may not have thought of. Make sure the content of your book is as worthy of your time, money and energy as it can be.Whether your goals are personal or professional, to reach a large audience or to make Mom smile, it makes sense to take stock of them before you self-publish your book. Then, when you hold your book in your hands, youll be better able to gauge your self-publishing success on your own terms.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Getting Hired for a Hair Stylist Job

Getting Hired for a Hair Stylist Job Getting Hired for a Hair Stylist Job Are you interested in working as a hair stylist? Is a job in a salon your idea of a perfect position? Here are the education and job requirements, salary information, and tips for finding a job and getting hired as a hair stylist. Requirements for Hair Stylists Hairstylist is one of the jobs you can qualify for quickly. You will be required to complete a state-approved training program which typically lasts 9 months or longer. States require between 1000 - 1600 hours of practice and theory to get a license. Some individuals complete a full associate’s degree. Programs for hairstylists include methods for  hair coloring, conditioning, shaping, shampooing, and styling as well as legal regulations and professional ethics.  Management and sales coursework are also included in some programs. All 50 states require hairdressers to be licensed. After completing an approved training program, candidates must pass a written test and sometimes a hands-on test of  hairstyling techniques or an oral interview. Here’s information on average salaries for hairdressers, hair stylists, and cosmetologists. Hair Stylist Skills Hair Stylists need the manual dexterity  to cut hair in precise ways.  You should have a well-developed sense of aesthetics to recommend styles which accentuate the positive features of  your clients. Hair Stylists need creative flair and adaptability to follow trends in styling and apply them to different heads of hair. Stylists should be well groomed and model appealing hairstyles to inspire confidence in clients. You will need solid interpersonal skills to establish a comfortable rapport with clients. Interviewing and listening skills are essential in assessing the preferences of customers. Sales and customer service skills will help stylists to promote services to clients and encourage repeat business.   Problem-solving skills are required to fix flawed cuts and to deal with clients who have hair that is difficult to style.  Physical stamina is needed to withstand long hours of standing while serving customers. Here’s a list of hairstylist skills. Be sure to incorporate them into your resume and cover letters, and mention them during job applications. Active ListeningAppointment SchedulingArgan Oil TreatmentArm-Hand SteadinessArm WaxingArtificial Hair ExtensionsBikini WaxingBalayage Painting TreatmentBlow DryBlowoutBody WaveBrazilian BlowoutBrazilian WaxingCallous RemovalChest WaxingCold WavingColoringConditioningCoordinationCreativityCritical ThinkingCurlingCustomer ServiceCuticle TreatmentDecision MakingDeep Conditioning TreatmentEvent StylingEyebrow WaxingEyelash ExtensionsFace WaxingFacialsFull Head HighlightsFull Head Highlights and Color Combination French TipGel Nail TreatmentHair BleachingHair ColoringHair ConditioningHair CuttingHair DesignHair ExtensionsHair GlazeHair LighteningHair PolishHair RelaxingHair ShapingHair StylingHandling Multiple ObjectsHighlightsInterpersonalJudgmentKerastase TreatmentKeratin TreatmentLanguageLeg WaxingLip and Chin WaxingLowlightsManicureManual DexterityMassageOmbre Hair ColorOral ComprehensionOriginalityParaffin TreatmentPartial HighlightsPartial Highlight and Color CombinationPedicurePerformancePermanent Color Service Permanent Hair StraighteningPermanent WavePersonal ServiceProfessional DevelopmentProfessional EthicsPolish ChangeSemi-Permanent Color Service OrientationShampooingShellac PolishSkin CareSingle Process Hair ColorSocial PerceptivenessSpeakingSpeech RecognitionStraighteningStylingTeachingTechnicalTelephoneTheoryThinking CreativelyTime ManagementTrimmingUpdating Knowledge of ProductsUpdated Knowledge of StylesUp-dosUsing Relevant KnowledgeVisualizationWaxingWorking With the Public Resume and Cover Letter Examples Your resume and cover letter should showcase all your relevant skills. Here are some tips on how to find a job as a hair stylist. Create a Portfolio Demonstrating the ability to cut hair into appealing and attractive styles is a vital step in the job search process for stylists. Creating a viable portfolio is an effective way to show how you have transformed heads of hair in the past. Take quality before and after photos of clients you have serviced and incorporate them into your portfolio.  Secure recommendations from salon managers and testimonials from satisfied clients and include them with your photos. Consider showcasing your portfolio through a website so you can attach the address to your resume or conveniently show your portfolio to employers on your IPad or other mobile devices. Use Your Network of Contacts Networking with salon owners and stylists is an excellent way to launch a job search in the field. Start with salon owners/stylists whom you know and get referrals from friends to salons which they frequent. Contact instructors from your beauty school and ask them for introductions to professionals whom they know. Approach these individuals and ask if they could meet with you to provide some feedback about your portfolio. Apply in Person Identify salons within your preferred work location and visit them at times when the salon is not busy.  Ask to speak to the manager/owner. Ask if they might be available for a quick review of your portfolio now or at a later date. Offer to show them recommendations or a letter of introduction from an instructor or a previous salon where you have worked. Job Search Online Tap specialized beauty websites like and to secure listings of jobs in the field. Search job sites like and by keywords like hair stylist and hairdresser to generate more job listings. Interviewing for Hair Stylist Jobs Owners and managers of salons will be interested in your ability to generate business for their salon.  If you have worked in a salon, make sure you can describe the volume of business which you attracted with particular reference to repeat customers. If you have worked for other local salons and have a book of customers who might follow you to your new employer, that information can be quite persuasive. Be ready for questions about the latest hairstyles. You will often be asked about which styles and treatments are your favorites and/or which you can best execute.  Use your portfolio to reinforce what you are asserting. You will often be asked about your approach to customers so be prepared to share information and examples about how you engage clients and handle challenging situations. Typical Hairstylist Interview Questions You’ll Be Asked Why do you like styling hair?How many clients do you typically see in a day? In a week?What kind of establishment are you interested in working in?How do you connect with clients?Why are people important to you?Have you ever dealt with an irate customer?Do you have an artistic background?Do you have experience in waxing or esthetics?Why are you interested in the beauty industry?Have you done anything to further your education?How do you keep up with style trends?What is the biggest challenge in a hairdressing career? What would your salon colleagues say about you?Do you work to targets? If so, how often do you hit your targets?Have you worked retail in a salon before? Would you feel comfortable doing so?Why do you want to work at this salon in particular?How do you handle multitasking? Tell me about a time when you had to handle many responsibilities at once.Do you work better as a part of a team or on your own? Why?What do you think defines good customer service?Do you have a work portfolio you can show me? How would you describe your personal style? How you interact with your interviewer will be as valuable as what you say in an interview for a hairdresser job.  Exude warmth and friendliness and bring a ready smile to your interviews. Salon managers and owners will be looking to see if you are the type of individual that their customers will like on a personal level.  Show some style in your dress and, of course, have your hair and makeup impeccably groomed. Interview Follow Up Compose a handwritten thank you note and deliver it to the salon as soon as possible after your interview.  Or, if you are short on time send an email thank you message. Emphasize why you think you are a terrific fit for that salon, state that you would really like the job and thank them for their time.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

4 mistakes female entrepreneurs make more often than men

4 mistakes female entrepreneurs make more often than men 4 mistakes female entrepreneurs make more often than men If you’re a female entrepreneur, congratulations you’re doing an incredible job. If you need evidence to remind you, we’ve got that for you, too.According to the report, “The State of Women-Owned Businesses,” as of 2017, 11.6 million, or 39 percent of total businesses in America, are owned by women. Even more impressively, “between 1997-2017, the number of women-owned businesses increased by 114 percent, compared to a 44 percent increase among all businesses- a growth rate of more than 2.5 times the national average.” Female-owned businesses employ nearly 9 million people and generate approximately $1.7 trillion in revenues.Despite the above statistics representing remarkable progress, women-owned businesses account for only 4 percent of the national business revenue generated. Despite the rapid increase in the number of businesses opened by women, this statistic has remained unchanged for the last 20 years.The disproportionate amount of revenue generated by female-owne d businesses can be attributed to their smaller sizes and slower growth rates in comparison to male-owned businesses. So, although it might’ve seemed like female-owned businesses were on the right track to take over the world, there is still some work to do.In order to help female-owned businesses prosper, we’ve identified four of the most common gender-specific obstacles that stop female entrepreneurs from reaching their fullest potentialâ€"and most importantly how to overcome them.Mistake 1: Fearing failure avoiding risksIf you’re an entrepreneur, you’re likely referred to as a risk-taker by your friends and family. After all, quitting your 9-to-5 job to start your own business isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires you to accept substantial risks associated with your personal reputation, finances, and career trajectory.However, as a female entrepreneur, you’re often perceived as having a lower risk tolerance and higher fear of failure than your male counterparts. Regardless of how you perceive your own risk tolerance, this point of view may have adverse effects on the success of your business.According to a study by the Journal of Entrepreneurship Organization Management, banks and other investors use a scale to assess the risk tolerance of entrepreneurs when considering investment in their venture. The scale takes into account the four facets of risk including financial, physical, social, and ethical. Female entrepreneurs tend to score lower on the risk-taking scale than men, especially with regard to financial risk.Unfortunately, this contributes to female entrepreneurs receiving funding less often, as well as lower levels of funding, than male entrepreneurs. Female entrepreneurs are significantly less likely than males to receive equity from investors, with only 11 percent of women using equity raised from investors to fund their business ventures.You might be thinking, isn’t this counter-intuitive- wouldn’t investors and banks prefe r to lend funds to low-risk clients? Not quite. In an investor’s eyes, risk aversion often translates to stagnated growth, lack of competitive drive, and lost opportunities in the marketplace.Risky BusinessThroughout your career as an entrepreneur, you’ll have to become comfortable with the possibility of failure and taking risks. Although this may be uncomfortable for some, it’s necessary to obtain funding and grow your business.However, this doesn’t mean that you should head to the casino and bet the patent design for your latest product on the roulette wheel. Instead, focus on adding calculated risk and a risk management plan to your business model.Take Calculated RisksTaking a calculated risk involves estimating the Return on Investment (ROI) and understanding the various possible outcomes before taking the risk. Although a calculated risk still requires a degree of uncertainty, you’ve done your research and can predict and prepare for the outcomes. Conducting extensiv e market research before launching a new product line is a great example of how to take a calculated risk.Risk Management PlanningBefore taking a new business risk, create a risk management plan to identify, evaluate, and prioritize the risks in your business plan. This will allow you to minimize the level of uncertainty and react quickly to the various circumstance which may arise.Mistake 2: Being bothered by being the only woman in the roomAs a female entrepreneur, you’ll likely end up in a situation where you are the only woman in the room. Whether it’s at a networking event, an investment pitch, or a bank meeting, it’s bound to happen at least once during your career. Lynn Perkins, the founder of UrbanSitter, said that she often found herself pitching her product not only to a room filled only with men, but to men who’d never looked for a babysitter because their wives always took care of child care needs.Although this isn’t the way it should be, women are unfortunatel y still underrepresented in just about every level (and most industries) in corporate America.Regardless of your confidence level, It can be intimidating to be the only woman in the room. It may cause you to doubt the validity of your attendance, your ability to relate to others, or even fear discrimination.Don’t Let Being the Odd (Wo)man Out Stop YouAlthough it’s natural to feel uncomfortable, don’t let being the only woman discourage you from representing yourself and your business. Use your presence as an opportunity to advocate for female entrepreneurs and instigate change in the industry.If your business offering is female-focused, design different versions of your pitch that are tailored to multiple audiences. According to Terri Mead, managing partner at Class Bravo Ventures, “male investors often struggle with relating to what a lot of female founders are pitching and may not make the effort to really understand the problem and the solution to see the opportunity.”I f you’re attending an event, bring the disproportionate guest attendance to the event manager’s attention. Suggest relevant female-focused organizations that they can invite to the next event and/or ask if you can bring friends.Mistake 3: Trusting too quicklyAs an entrepreneur, you never shy away from discussing a new opportunity. It’s easy for you to meet a like-minded individual at a networking event and have a new business partner before you’re finished your first glass of wine.As a female entrepreneur, you’re often considered to have a higher level of trust and empathy than your male counterparts. According to “Women, Trust and the Business World,” women approach relationships in a “SMARTnership manner” in which they collaborate with their counterparts to gather information, offer insight on the situation, and work cooperatively towards desirable outcomesâ€"both short-term and into the future.Although this sounds like a healthy way to conduct business, it’s u nfortunately not the reality of how commerce is conducted in corporate America. This means that female entrepreneurs bear the brunt of poor business negotiations and partnerships more often than male entrepreneurs.Prioritize Protecting YourselfThis doesn’t mean that you need to adopt an “every woman for herself” mentality, but it does mean that you should take precautionary measures to protect yourself and your business.Legal ProtectionThe most effective means of protecting yourself in a business negotiation is legal protection. A legal document allows you to record the terms of your agreement and hold the signing parties legally accountable in the future.So, before you enter into a partnership with the charismatic individuals from the networking event, ask them to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Their signature on this document could be the difference between you ending up as Mark Zuckerberg or the Winklevoss twins.Don’t Take Chances with Your FinancesAs a new busine ss owner, you’ll likely find yourself inundated with requests for favors from family, friends, and even some customers. Although you’re probably happy to offer your best friend’s mom a modest discount, make sure to exercise caution when it comes to favors involving payment.A common favor that might be asked of you is to accept personal credit or pay layaway instead of payment at purchase. Accepting deferred payments places the risk of receiving late payments, or never receiving payment at all, onto your business and personal finances.Katherine Brown, Founder of Kaphmada Design, lists the biggest mistake of her early career as not requiring payment at purchase. According to Brown, “a handful of my customers wanted to purchase custom-made apparel on credit and asked to pay layaway. They never paid me back. Some just tried to befriend me just to get something made free. I shouldn’t have agreed to those terms. Now all our clients are required to leave a deposit for custom piec es or pay in full. Lesson learned.”An easy way to protect your business’s finances is to require credit on especially large orders. Doing so will help you mitigate the risks associated with layaway and installment payments by instantly processing the full value of the transaction. Plus, you’ll add an extra layer of protection against fraud with the insurance provided by credit cards and banks.According to Kelly Yen, Business Operations Analyst at PayMotile, one of the most commonly cited reasons for business owners to adopt credit card and other types of payment processing is lost profits incurred from accepting personal credit payments on past business transactions. Yen states, “almost every business owner has a story about a customer who they knew for years, yet never paid them back for a product or service.”Mistake 4: Comparing yourself to othersComparing yourself to others is a natural human phenomenon- everyone does it, I promise.With social media permeating just abou t every area of life, it’s easier than ever to compare yourself to others. Unfortunately, as you already know, comparing yourself to others often has a negative impact on your self-image. According to the Social Comparison Theory, women are more likely than men to engage in upward social comparisons which leads to negative feelings about the self.As a female entrepreneur, comparing yourself to others will have a negative impact on your business in two ways. First, it’ll limit your ability to form and maintain relationships with others. Second, it’ll weaken your self-confidence, self-efficacy, and self-image, which in turn will affect your ability to manage your business operations to the best of your ability.So, what do you do when you open your email to find your name has been left off of this years “Top 20 Female Entrepreneurs to Watch” list?Don’t worry, with the right mindset, comparisons can be used to produce positive results in your life and business.The Power of P ositive ComparisonsInstead of focusing on the negative, compare yourself to others with the purpose of fostering self-motivation, self-improvement, and a positive self-image.To start, learn what media makes you feel negative about yourself (for many of us it’ll likely be scrolling through our social media accounts). Next, stop engaging with it or learn how to spread positivity through social media. For example, if you always feel bad about yourself after scrolling through Instagram, change who you are following. Replace the socialites, negative memes, and high-cost brands with genuine and inspiring individuals, brands, and influencers.Take it a step further, and make a list of individuals who you admire and aspire to be like. Determine which qualities they possess that you covet such as kindness, generosity, and honesty. Next, actively practice incorporating these qualities into your daily routine and personal character.In order for female entrepreneurs to continue to prosper, we need to work together.Rather than feeling jealous of other’s success, try celebrating and empowering them. As much as receiving a “Congratulations!” card will make their day, you’ll also be surprised how much contributing to others will benefit your own mental health.So, congratulations to all of you female entrepreneurs out there- we can’t wait to see what you accomplish next!This  article first appeared on Career Contessa.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Benefits of Connecting with People on LinkedIn

The Benefits of Connecting with People on LinkedIn The Benefits of Connecting with People on LinkedIn Are you wondering about the benefits of connecting with people on LinkedIn? What I want to talk about is how to let your guard down a bit and make lifelong connections. Over the last several weeks I have discovered the magic of networking on LinkedIn. Now I want to share it with you. I made a commitment to reach out to new people every day, sharing openly and from my heart. Connections are happening more naturally and with purpose. I’m being led to like-minded people based on shared interests and connections. What is so magical about that? Building relationships on a professional level with a powerful LinkedIn summary is essential. Afterall, LinkedIn is defined as a social networking site specifically for the business community. The magic comes from getting to know people on a deeper level. It begins when reading about one person’s struggles with their job search or career change. Their fears of the future. Real life worries and strife. Panic, desperation, depression. It’s all there. Here’s where the magic of connecting with people on LinkedIn happens. People begin to altruistically share messages of hope. The threads grow exponentially as others begin to identify with what another person is going through. In this social platform, we get to participate in the experience as people become inspired. They share their own stories and offer advice. People share support, wisdom, tools, and resources. People share things like how to professionally manage your job search, but also why it’s important to put self-care at the top of your career search. We get to share in gratitude. Together, we witness a shift that occurs within the person who was feeling low and hopeless. That person now has a sense of purpose. The suffering is transformed into hope with real-life solutions for job hunting. There is more. We will also have the opportunity to learn about someone else’s achievements. We will find out how they overcame obstacles to achieve what they previously thought was impossible. We will read about the people that lifted them up along the way. It is delightful to be a part of the thread that grows. People share congratulations, virtual high-fives, and gratitude for reading how someone else did it. They overcame! Against all odds. It’s corny, but I believe in magic. There are companies out there that are giving back. I have seen it with my own eyes. They want to do better, and they are listening. Even if only through osmosis. I’m watching the evolution. We are boosting the message as we share our highs and lows with each other. We are inspiring change as we collaborate and challenge the leaders of today. Today’s Founders and CEOs are striving to create more inclusive cultures. They are beginning to foster healthier workplaces. There is great value in LinkedIn and most of it is available to you for free. Successful and talented professionals are offering their advice and sharing ideas. Do I have rose-colored glasses? I’ll admit, I could have a pair around here somewhere. At the very least, LinkedIn is a place to collaborate, grow, and support job seekers. I say we don’t stop there. Live with intention and no expectations. Release judgment of self and of others. Reach out to me and let’s make some magic!

Monday, November 11, 2019

If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Diffrent Types of Resumes

If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Diffrent Types of Resumes Again, get in touch with a professional resume writing organization to help you in the practice. Again, please remember to utilize a resume writer to come up with your resume if you're not certain of how to, or not able to develop one yourself. Make sure that as soon as you're comparing resume writers that you're looking at how much experience they have in writing resumes for your specific area of expertise. Talking to the resume writer beforehand is also a great way to find a sense of the way the writer will perform and permit you the chance to ask some questions. There are 35 different kinds of commercials, but only six primary approaches. These tips are supplied to help you with improving your resume and boost the likelihood that it's going to catch the eye of prospective employers. These examples represent a number of letters which you could use during your job search. Just keep in mind that your primary purpose is to ensure an employer is able to look at your resume and quickly understand the value you're able to bring to the enterprise. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in contrast to traditional hiring methods. They have only a short time to look through your resume, so your formatting decisions should make information clear and easy to find. Making sure employers don't need to work to understand words on your resume is the most crucial element when picking a font. Diffrent Types of Resumes and Diffrent Types of Resumes - The Perfect Combination Acceptance Letter Although most employers will offer an official acceptance letter, you may find yourself in a position at which you must create one. You'll also list an overview of all your previous employers accordingly. The objective statement ought to be included. When you have developed a Federal resume, it ought to be included together with other d ocumentation in the application packet and mailed to the proper department. It is preferable to have a resume layout that is simple to read and contains all the crucial info, even if it's two pages long. Regardless of the different designs readily available, a resume layout should contain the exact same basic details. The templates help you in number of means. Employing a resume template is currently an acceptable and wise practice for many explanations. The New Angle On Diffrent Types of Resumes Just Released The remaining themes are easily available to Pro subscribers. You don't have to go back past 10 decades, generally. People with several years of experience need only list the past ten decades of employment history. Normally, the previous 10-15 years ought to be listed on the resume. Showing the skill level for every one of the necessary tools is a means to stick out from the crowd. It is very important to understand what skills and abilities a prospective employer is searching for in their applicants. Know the skills needed for the job that you are applying. At the peak of the resume is a list of a person's skills and qualifications. Want to Know More About Diffrent Types of Resumes? Our free Sample Chronological Resumes can help you outline your work history to earn a perfect resume. Several resume templates also are only easily available for people who have subscribed to the online website. The last format you might want to contemplate is a targeted resume. You might be able to create numerous versions of your resume, but this isn't a realistic alternative for your LinkedIn profile. The One Thing to Do for Diffrent Types of Resumes It's also beneficial if the majority of your experience coincides with the job that you want to know more about. Only relevant and necessary information has to be available in the application, as stated by the necessities of the job. In the market today, you may probably need to try to find many disti nct jobs and various kinds of jobs in order to acquire that one special job offer. There are a lot of basic kinds of resumes you may use to make an application for job openings. Diffrent Types of Resumes and Diffrent Types of Resumes - The Perfect Combination Let's look at the 5 varieties of resumes. The second kind of resume you ought to know about is known as a functional resume. Let's begin by viewing the 3 primary varieties of resumes and which would be ideal for you.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Most Neglected Fact About Perfectresume Exposed

The Most Neglected Fact About Perfectresume Exposed Take a look at our writing services reviews and find out how top rated essay writing companies do the job. These aren't boaststhey are merely facts which you are adding to your resume to assist the business understand your skills, even when you weren't paid. They were quite knowledgeable and skilled in my industry and had the ability to wordsmith an amazing revision. By reading this section you will learn if urgent deadlines are accepted and in the event the business indeed respects your deadlines. Development had to be carried out quickly to fulfill a tight timeline. Language skills are sometimes a fantastic selling point on your resume. A good cover letter is your opportunity to prove that you know the range of the role and the business's mission. There are a lot of tactics to create a special and professional resume online so you are going to be ready for your next employment application and interview. The name of the school and plan of study also needs to be included. With our assistance you are in possession of an exceptional chance to look at an unbiased opinion on the characteristic of writing, formatting and support help. All About Perfectresume A resume builder is going to have you simply offer your information into a webpage. Apart from consulting My Perfect Resume reviews, everyone can visit the website and find three primary steps for using the service. Resume services are all around the web, so you might have come across My Perfect Resume. All things considered, My Perfect Resume appears to be well worth checking out if you must jump start your work search or you are becoming discouraged with your progress. If you decide to click the links on our website, we might get compensation. This service is basically a scam. The website will ask you to pick a package as a way to download or print your new resume. Additionally, there are bonuses on the website, but I didn't select any. The Perfectresume Game A superb sample resume should offer you a notion of the info you will need to have in your own resume. With this sort of competition, you will need to get a flawless resume to have through the screening practice. If you choose to utilize it, it needs to be a fairly effortless process as you would already be knowledgeable about the resume building process. A document I could have not created. Your resume is the most essential document in regards to applying for jobs. Include this info in your preparation materials. The One Thing to Do for Perfectresume Myperfectresume reviews may be considered the same manner. If you choose to speak to a representative by phone, you'll locate our phone numbers published on precisely the same page. In addition, it provides a whole lot of flexibility, according to a myperfectresume review. The review is going to teach you all you will need to understand and then you're able to place your purchase confidently. This is a great company with a fantastic bang for your buck. It is possible to even check out several reviews and after that opt for the business that is most suitable for your requirements and inexpensive budget. Even though this may feel as a lot of work, by taking the opportunity to examine your career now, you'll realize the advantages on your future resume. It's also beneficial to maintain a record of the date and time of your cancellation in case you have to dispute a charge following your membership was canceled. When it's likely someone wouldn't have heard of the organization, a single line in little font to spell out the employer can be useful to offer context. They changed resume structure and the work description, therefore it looked much more professional. It may ask you exactly what sort of resume you are interested in, while it's professional, academic, or casual. The primary problem is there are many scam businesses, and you need to prevent these. I regularly felt like however much I did, I could still be doing more. You know you must make stellar impression in order to acquire an interview. Our cover letter examples can show you just how to achieve this exact technique to secure you the interview you desire. The previous suggestion is to use your very best judgment.